Cov-19 Resources – SARS-CoV-2

Healthy Immune System

We have a national & worldwide crisis on our hands. I believe we can all agree on that. How to handle the crisis has divided everyone and I think we can agree on that as well. My heart is burdened for so many reasons… for the lives lost, for the crippling fear, for the isolation & detriment of the elderly, and for the hatred spewed by both sides. Hopefully that’s 3 things we can agree on.


As I have prayed, contemplated, read opinions, and researched scientific/doctoral advice/forums/research/etc… I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s about 5 remedies for this crisis and only ONE of them is void of side effects and has zero disadvantages. Below I will post as many sources as I can. This is meant to be more informational than an opinion piece… but very likely I will insert my opinion as well. If you have ANY resources regarding any of these topics, whether they be pro/con… please send them my way and I will consider adding it below. 

Possible Remedies

  1. Boost Immune system
  2. Medication: hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Budesonide, etc…
  3. Isolation
  4. Mask
  5. Vaccine: Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson


*Boosting your immune system is the only remedy void of negative side effects. This does NOT mean supplementing simply with vitamin C. This means, treating your body the way God designed us to treat it and keeping our bodies as healthy as possible. At least 75% healthy foods: healthy meats, fruits & vegetables, etc. Plus, supplementing with vitamin C, D, zinc, among MANY others. Vitamin D levels have been show in MANY research studies to have SIGNIFICANT effects. Every day of our lives, our body is constantly fighting different viruses & bacteria. Sometimes we know when we are sick and are bodies are fighting, but if we have healthy bodies, most of the time we are unaware that our immune systems are battling and curing itself from the inside out constantly. 

In fact, I believe in July 2019 I had Covid, but I never felt sick enough to feel the need to be tested, nor did I want to be tested (that’s a whole different topic that maybe I’ll touch on below).  I felt as though I had a mild cold. I was never congested with just  a light runny nose for a couple of days and I didn’t feel all that sick. Then, on about day 4 I simply woke up with the inability to detect smell or taste. This lasted for about 2 weeks.  Because of the inability to smell, which is the #1 strange symptom reported for Covid, I am fairly confident that’s what I had. If it was… why didn’t I get super sick & why didn’t anyone in my family get sick? My guess is because we are very “preventative” with our health. We eat healthy most of the time and we all take vitamins. In fact, I was on a lot of different supplements at that time trying to boost my immune system for other reasons. The day I realized I might have the virus, I increased my vitamin intake immediately and began nebulizing with colloidal silver. Plus, I monitored my oxygen intake at times just to make sure I was ok and it never lowered.

MEDICATION *There are a number of medications on the market to combat Covid. EVERY single medication in history has some sort of potential side effect because no human body is identical to another human body. What might be ok for me, might be harmful to you or viceversa. Some medications have been used for decades with minimal side effects, while other medications are too new to know the possible outcome. Then there are other medications that have very potential harmful side effects, some even come with a “black box” warning, essentially meaning, don’t use this medication unless you absolutely need to. To date there are multiple medications that thousands of doctors around the globe have been using to treat Covid successfully.

HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE: this medication has been used for decades with minimal side effects to treat malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. Like any other medication, make sure you aren’t allergic or have interactions with other medication.

IVERMECTIN: This medication has been used to treat certain parasitic roundworm infections also, for decades with next to no known severe side effects. In fact, most side effects from this medication actually come from the parasite die off and actually, after killing off parasites, you reduce the risk of developing a severe or life-threatening parasitic infection.

BUDESONIDE:  This inhaled medication is used to prevent difficulty breathing, chest tightness, wheezing, and coughing caused by asthma by decreasing swelling and irritation in the airways to allow for easier breathing. It is a corticosteroid and as with any steroid, you have to be careful with long term use. Like any medication, do your homework to know whether you have an allergy or other medication interaction. When one of my children had “chronic croup” as a toddler, he was on this medication for a while and it was a great thing for our family. 

Other Treatments: 

ISOLATION/ Lockdowns 


VACCINATION: In the United States there are currently 3 brands of vaccine brands: Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.  


  • According to CDC you may have less symptoms.  
  • *note: the vaccine does NOT hinder you from being contagious and passing the virus to others. It simply lessons your own personal symptoms. Please check CDC website for more info. While vaccinated, you can still contract the Covid virus, have and have mild symptoms, but because you are unaware that you have it, you may pass it to others.  
  • CDC How Vaccines Work:  


Company History

  1. Myocarditis Side Effect 
  1. Spike Protein collects in ovaries & Bone Marrow 
  1. Pfizer Execs: from pandemic to endemic… money to be made. 
  1. Illegal Experiments on Israeli people by Pfizer (Violation of Nuremberg Code) 
  1. Death of healthy 41 year old in Portugal 2 days later 
  1. 13 suffer Facial Paralysis 
  1. Pfizer Tremors & Bells Palsy:
  2. Former Pfizer VP – Nuremberg violation?


  1. Myocarditis Side Effect 
  1. Scary Reaction at drive-in Moderna site: 
  1. Fauci & Gates ties to Moderna? 
  1. Vaccine Operating System 
  1. Moderna Scientist “we are hacking the software of life”  

Johnson & Johnson or Jansen

  1. Everything you need to know about the J&J vaccine:
  2. Only for volunteers?
  1. Denmark removes J&J due to fears: 
  1. Dad, 43, Paralyzed:  
  1. Blood Clots: 
  1. Skin Peeled Off:  
  1. Known Asbestos in Baby Powder (bad practice)  
  1. More on Asbestos:  
  1. Infant Trials?
  2. $230 Million Opiod settlement:
  3. 18 year old hospitalized:
  4. 60M doses thrown out:
  5. South Africa pauses J&J vaccine:
  6. Woman nearly died & has huge bill:
  7. Fetal Cell Lines in J&J vaccine:
  8. J&J death:
  9. 57 year old death:
  10. More Clotting Cases:
  11. 18 year old Brain blood clot:
  12. Halt of J&J in women under 50:
  13. Denmark halts J&J vaccine:
  14. 35 year old woman dies of brain hemorrhage:
  15. Be vigilant of Stroke symptoms:
  16. 25 Year old dies:
  17. 21 year old student dies:
  18. 52 year old still got Covid:
  19. College professor died:
  20. People now dying:
  21. Everything you need to know about the J&J vaccine:
  22. Fetal Cell Line:
  23. Catholic Leaders and Anti-abortion groups protest the vaccines for aborted fetal cells:
  24. FDA Warning Guillan-Barre autoimmune:

Doctor Responses: Thousands of Doctors who are PRO-vaccine, are hesitant, why?  

  1. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny: Experience – MD/DO, Emergency Medicine Physician, Hospital Director 
    1. 20 Mechanisms of Injuries: 
    2. Evil plan?  
    3. Transmission of Spike Protein:  
    4. Protection from Spike Protein transmission: 
    5. No OFF Button:  
  1. Dr. Ryan Cole CEO & Medical Director:  
  1. World Doctors Alliance: ;  
  1. Majority of Doctors decline Covid Shot:  
  1. Association of American Physicians & Physicians:  
  1. Dr Peter McCullough (Cardiologist) Something is wrong: 
  1. Dr. Roger Hodkinson:  
  1. Frontline Doctors:  
  1. Johns Hopkins medical professor “No case to vaccinate kids”:  
  1. Surgeon fired for concerns:  
  1. Spike Protein:  
  1. HAVING Covid-19 leaves lasting antibody protection  

Side Effects: 

MRNA Technology: (In Pfizer & Moderna vaccine) 

  1. CDC Side Effects 
  1. INVENTOR of mRNA Vaccine says actual data needs to be revealed: 
  1. Viral RNA in every organ of body after death: Viral RNA in every organ of body after death:  
  1. Dangerous for kids: 
  1. DEATH rate 6 times higher: 
  1. Heart Inflammation in Kids:  
  1. Vaccine Researcher “Made Mistake”:  
  1. Big Human Experiment:  
  1. Young Men Heart Condition:  
  1. Vaccine Injury in ages 12-17 triples:  
  1. Questions Answered:  
  1. Spike Protein & Deadly Blood Clots:  
  1. 4000% increase in Vaccine Death:  
  1. Bells Palsy or other facial issues 3,764 Cases:  
  1. Majority of hospital admissions vaccinated (England)
  2. Archbishop Truth over Fear:
  3. Teen’s life shattered:

VAERS: (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) Info as of: 7/09/21

  • 10,991 Deaths
  • 2,487 Anaphylaxis
  • 1,977 Bells Palsy (
  • 5,194 Disabled
  • 3,906 Heart Attacks
  • 1,644 Heart Inflammation
  • 1,776 Low Platelet
  • 1,073 Miscarriages
  • 17,408 Sever allergic reactions
  • 6,450 Life Threatening
  • 30,781 Hospitalizations
  • 59,575 Urgent Care
  • 82,535 Office Visits
  • Underreporting – many people file months or years after injury, so this is not a full picture. 

CONFLICTS of Interest: There are a number of potential conflicts of interest in the promotion of some treatments and the silencing of others. Let’s explore these: 

  1. Inventor of PCR vs Fauci:  
  1. Censorship:  
  1. Likely no compensation if vaccine injured: 
  1. Dr. Judy Mikovits & The truth about Fauci  
  1. Rockefeller on a pandemic & global power:
  2. Censor Vaccine Concerns?
  3. Merck Whistleblowers:
  4. Girasol science:
  5. Merck cover up:
  6. Vaccine Manufacturer fraud:
  7. Most people know that REAL immunity only comes from the body flighting the actual disease itself. Fauci doesn’t want that:
  8. Everything you need to know about the J&J vaccine:
  9. Biological weapon?
  10. Ivermectin a Threat to Vaccine Business:
  11. Catholic Leaders and Anti-abortion groups protest the vaccines for aborted fetal cells:
  12. Fauci knew:
  13. Nuremberg lawsuit:


  1. Dr. Mike Yeaton on PCR tests:  

Already Vaccinated? How to help your body recover and/or detox from the toxins 

  1. Vaccine Detox:  
  1. Prepare your body before & detox afterwards:  

For MANY more articles go here to discover more truth about: Proven Covid Therapies/Treatments, Covid-19 Vaccine and Bill Gates, Fauci, Masks, Covid-19s deadlines, Reopening Schools, Media Censorship, Covid-19 testing & DNA Harvesting, and more…

18 reasons I won’t be getting vaccinated:

Sarah’s list of Homeschool Resources

Here’s to my first blog post in approximately 4 years! Most of my friend’s know me as a self-proclaimed research-aholic. Now, everyone will see some evidence of that below. Some day I will share our homeschool journey because I swore I would NEVER homeschool, only to begin homeschooling our 4 kids this year: 7th grade, 5th, 1st, and K4. Below you will find the resource information page that I made for ME. I tweaked it ever so slightly so some of it might make more sense, but I hope this is helpful to all of you who have NO CLUE where to begin. If you have any resources to add… PLEASE share them with me. I’d love to learn more and add it to my list. And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

A few weeks ago I did a live video on my personal Facebook page about a “day in the life” of what our homeschooling every day looks like. Every homeschool family does it differently, but I believe the way we do it with BJU Press curriculum, is helpful to those parents (moms especially) who don’t think they have what it takes to homeschool. We use BJU Press DLO (distance learning online). My kids log on, click on the subject, click on video and their teacher pops up with the lesson (10-30minutes), they do their assignment, and move on to the next subject. It was pretty easy for my kids to catch on. I grade their homework & answer any questions they have, but I love that I’m not teaching every subject to everyone.

If you DO decide to use BJU Press, don’t forget to use a consultant. Consultants are mom’s who have been using the curriculum for at least 3 years, can guide you to the best options for your children, and can help you get the best pricing. I saved over $1,000 by not ordering off the website and using a consultant. You are welcome to use someone you know, or call my sweet consultant Jennifer Leeds @ 816-785-4524. *Tell her I say hello!

UPDATE for 2023-2024
We are transitioning back into homeschool for 2023 with 3 out of 4 of our children from being in our church’s private school. This decision is truly out of obedience to the Lord based on words we believe He has given us about the education for our children. One of those words is that our children be VERY well educated. Our children have previously been in a Classical Christian school which was academically rigorous and we felt the Lord calling us back to that kind of education… which let me to Veritas Press. I am very excited to see my kids bond as siblings, flourish, be challenged, and have an education that opens ALL kinds of doors for them in the future.

Click here to see the video of a day in the life on my Facebook page.

(OUR personal plans for Colegio Shalom)

2023-2024 (Fall to Spring)

1. Gabriel: Remain at Christian Private school as a Junior

2. Lucas: Veritas Press 9th grade Classes (Diploma (Accredited) Program
English: Comp. 1 LIVE
Spanish 2 LIVE
Algebra 1 LIVE
Physical Science LIVE
Omnibus Primary & Secondary, Self-paced
– Basketball & Music

3. Lily: Veritas Press – 4th/5th grad classes (Live, Self Pace, & UTeach)
Grammar & Writing 4 (LIVE)
Latin Grammar 3 (LIVE)
Geography West (LIVE)
History: Explorers-1815 (Self-Paced)
Bible: Gospels (Self-paced)
Linguistics 4 (YouTeach)
Literature 5 (YouTeach)
Math U See, Epsolon (YouTeach)
– Dance & Music (SimplyPiano)

4. Piper: Veritas Press – 2nd/3rd grade classes (Live, Self Pace, & UTeach)
Stepping Stone (LIVE)
Geography South (LIVE)
History: Old Testament to Ancient Egypt (Self Paced)
Bible: Genesis (Self Paced)
Linguistics 2 (YouTeach)
Literature 2 (YouTeach)
Grammar & Writing (You Teach)
Latin Grammar 2 (You Teach)
Math U See (Beta – YouTeach)

Summer 2023
1. Gabriel: ?
2. Lucas: Cont. MathuSee Alegbra & Physical Science, Logic 1,
3. Lily: Start MathUSee Epsilon, Start anyUTeach classes
4. Piper: Start MathUSee Beta and any UTeach classes

2021-2022 & 2022-2023 – Private Scho)

Summer 2020
2. Online Piano & Guitar

2020-2021 Tentative Plan
1. Gabriel: Dual Credit at Home + BJU Algebra 1
2. Lucas: BJU-6
3. Lily: BJU – 2
3. Piper: BJU K4 or Reading Eggs
4. Spanish: Duolingo Classroom made for all the kids.
5. Music: Piano & Guitar
6. Sports: Gabriel – Soccer; Lucas/Lily – Gymnastics

Local DFW / Fort Worth/Benbrook Co-ops
1. West Fort Worth Homeschoolers:
2. Travis Academy of Fine Arts:
4. Legacy Homeschool Coop –
5. Willow Park:
6. N. Texas sports leagues:
7. N. Texas Speech/Debate:
8. TCC Dual Credit Program: ://

2019-2020 Colegio Shalom – Bosch Family
1. BJU $2,200/4 kids (discounts K4, 1, 5, & 7) , $200 science kit, $8/per journey forth book
a. Consultant Jennifer Leeds 816-785-4524
2. Dual Credit at Home?? (start w/first test for G) $99 or /$1,000
3. Preschool: Reading Eggs
4. Music:
*Hoffman or
*Justinguitar (free guitar):
5. Typing
6. Elementary Spanish (DuoLingo)
7. Chromebooks vs iPad: iPad is BEST because of ScreenTime parental controls.
8. Resources to use:
9. Soccer and gymnastics
10. Photography classes for Lu.

My OTHER favorites
1. Typing – Mavis Beacon
2. Spanish:
3. Music:
* Hoffman Academy (PIANO):
* Justinguitar (free guitar):
4. Gardening:
5. Thinking Tree Journals:
6. Geography? Mapping the World by Heart grade 5-12: $53
7. Nutrition? ;
8. Character Bible
9. Faith: A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays (All Ages) (Robin Sampson)
10. God / Finances:
* ages 10-13
* K-3
11. Character Building:
* My Brother’s Keeper Bible Study:
12. Fun:

ONLINE/Streaming/Digital/Computer Based
1. BJU: K3-12 $1,000/kid/year
2. Alpha Omega: Grades 3-12,
*Monarch – Family Subscription $700/year, Online, core subjects/all grades access
*Switched On Schoolhouse – Digital, more teacher hands on, 5 subjects for $413
*Academy – Ignatia Curriculum, k-12, $2,000/year/
d. Horizons (3+), but not online
3. Abeka: K3-12. $826, $826, $1108
4. Veritas:, some online classes
5. Englightium Academy:
6. Logos Press
7. Well Trained Mind:
8. Schole:
9. Liberty:
10. Wilson Hill:
11. Memoria Press:
12. Freedom Project:
13. Western Christian Academy:
14. EasyPeasy: http://www.allinonehome Free, not as formal (under construction)
15. Time4Learning: Great for Travel, $64/month/4 kids (NO Bible)
16. IXL: $319 for whole family
17. Kendall Hunt Publishing (gifted):
18. Liberty U Academy:
19. Power Homeschool:
20. Schoolhouse Teachers: (50% off Ultimate: NEWYEAR19)
21. The Academy at Bright Ideas Press: middle/high school.
22. HSLDA: High School

Book Based/Parent-Led Curriculum:
1. Sonlight: ($700/kid)
2. My Father’s World: CM/Classical/Unit, $500/year
3. Masterbooks:
4. The Peaceful Press:
5. The Good & the Beautiful: : inexpensive
6. Timberdoodle –
7. Allinonehomeschool: (FREE)
8. Classical Conversations:
9. Memoria Press: – classical
10. Well Trained Mind: Classical w/Latin,
11. Ambleside: Charlotte Mason, free, parent led, no math/foreign lang
12. BiblioPlan: Classical history
13. Christian Light:
14. Heart of Dakota:
15. MiaAcademy: k-8
16. Rod & Staff (Titus 2)
17. Charlotte Mason
18. Lighthouse Christian Academy: ;
19. Robinson Curriculum:
20. K12:
21. Thomas Jefferson ( ) Ages 13-19
22. Teach Faster – Teach faster
23. Reading and Math k5:
24. Spelling: $50/year
25. (Charlotte Mason)
27. ABCJesusLovesMe: Preschool Curriculum

Christian Resources:
1. Teri Maxwell Resources:
2. Passport to Purity:
3. Business/entrepreneur:
4. The Kingdom Series: Grades 4-8
5. The Kingstone Collection:
6. Thinking Tree Journals:
7. Character Coaching:
8. Heart of Wisdom Blog (Biblical Holidays book)
9. Picture Smart Bible,
10. My Little House:
11. God’s Generals for kids books:
12. Genesis Curriculum:
13. Kids Read Truth:
14. Sabbath Schooling
15. Creation:
16. Character Reference Bible:
17. Child Training Bible:
18. Covenant Eyes:
19. Rock International:
20. Torch Lighters:
21. Zook Books: Christian books
22. Christian Curriculum: – VIDEOS
23. Hubbard’s Cupboard:
24. Jonathan Park:
25. They Call Me Blessed blog:
26. Wisdom & Righteousness Blog:
27. Heidi St John Blog:
28. Slugs & Bugs: Music, CD or Digital, Cord Charts
29. Maven Truth: For youth
30. Beacon of Hope:
31. Dave Ramset Finances for youth
32. Ancient Adventures books

Foreign Language / Spanish:
1. Duolingo FREE:
2. Spanish:
3. Spanish Reading for Kids:
4. Fun Class: Spanish, PreK through high school
5. Foreign Language: Spanish
6. Rosetta Stone: (Family pack -3-, $300/2 years)
7. Mango $20/month/5 students
8. Berlitz:
9. TalkBox:
10. Muzzy

Dual Credit
1. Dual Credit at Home:
2. Modern States: Free Dual Credit?
3. Homeschooling for College Credit:
4. College Out of the Box:

1. Beautiful Feet Books:

1. Apologia for Science (Christian):
2. FREE science:
3. Free science curriculum:
4. MelScience:

1. Saxon Math:
2. Math U See:
3. Math Seeds:
4. Thinkwell:

1. History lessons:
2. Notgrass History:
3. Brimwood Press History:
4. Science etc.
5. – FREE history course
6. Tapestry of Grace:
7. US Constitution Course:

1. Hoffman Academy (PIANO):
2. Justinguitar (free guitar):
3. Music:
4. Homeschool Piano: $300/lifetime/6 people
5. E Media:
6. Kids Guitar Academy $140 Lifetime (homeschool discount)
7. Singing Program:
8. Key’dnergarten: Montessori Piano
9. ONQ Piano:

1. Duolingo FREE:
2. Talk Box:
3. One for Israel: (college. No Hebrew)
4. (Israel info)
5. (Family pack -3-, $300/2 years)
6. Mango: $20/month/5 students
7. $77 (online, self paced)
8. (FREE)
9. $50 for books
10. FREE
11. Level 1 books: $60
12. Jewish Holiday Box:

1. Mavis Beacon download $20
5. FREE or HS Curriculum $59/year (
6. cheap
7. https://www.dancemattypin FREE

Extras Resources:
1. Kids cook Real Food:
2. Grace & Grit: For girls 3-6th grade
3. Gardening:
4. Preschool:
5. Minimalist Homeschooling:
5. Teaching Self Government:
6. MockTrial:
7. Finances:
8. Debate Club:
9. BrainPop:
10. The Crash Course: – high quality FREE videos
11. Growin Geers:
12. Hoeden At Home: FacebookCo-op
14. Parenting:
15. Self Governance in the Family:
16. Character Skills:
17. Usborne:
18. Simply Convivial Blog:
19. Pam Barnhill HS Solution & Consistency bootcamp:
20. Geography:
21. Geography: Mapping the World by heart:
22. Kahn Academy –
23. Educational Games:
24. Royal Gifted and Talented:
25. Gifted Support Network:
26. HomeHacker: – computer science & roboticsh22n–
27. Easy Grammar:
28. Janet Newberry:
29. Doctor Aviation:
30. GenMindful (emotional tools)
31. MIT
32. The Great Course Plus: 1000’s of videos
33. Step Up with Ann: grammar
34. World travel resources:
35. Teachers Pat teachers: – resources from teachers
37. Coding:
38. More programs:
39. Test Prep & Skill Builder:
40. Play Silly Street
41. World School Academy: (Guate in May)
42. Reading Eggs: – Reading
43. Less Clutter:
44. Learning disabilities:
45. CiRCE: Classical Method help:
46. The Rabbit Room: community through music, story, & art.
47. Hifalutin Homeschooler: – homeschooling humor & book
48. Mr. D highschool Math:
49. Miracle Mountain Ranch: Family camp and highschool graduate discipleship
50. Homeschooling Today:
51. Computer Deals:
52. Dyslexia:
53. National Geographic:
54. Scholastic
55. Lakeshore Learning
56. MobyMax: Fix learning gaps
57. Art: (youtube)

Other Links:
1. Great Homeschool Convention:
2. Texas HS Convention:
3. Ultimate Home Checklist:
4. Books about Homeschooling:
5. What Kind of homeschooler are you quiz?
6. Homeschool Philosophy:
7. Books to get: Educating the Wholehearted Child, Teaching from Rest, Help, I’m Homeschooling – Helpful Habits.
8. HSLDA: (Home School Legal Defense Association):
9. Homeschool Buyers Co-op:
a. BLOG:
b. HS Planners FREE:
10. Homeschool Apparel:

Local Fort Worth Restaurant Deals: Happy Hours, Weekday Specials, Weekend Brunch & Dessert! 

I have spent some time gathering local Fort Worth Restaurants into one happy place. Do yourself a favor and copy this list and somehow get it into the “notes” app on your phone, so you have it accessible whenever you need a fresh idea of where to dine. I used this yesterday and saw that it was $10 backdoor chicken night at Velvet Taco, so I gave it a try and got a thumbs up from the whole family.

An * indicates a special extra info about a restaurant… a particularly good deal or Gluten Free options. Check down at the bottom for the extra info.

The “I Need to Try” list is my PERSONAL list of restaurants I  have never been to, so after you copy this list feel free to edit your “need to try” list to fit your personal desires.

Acre Distilling & Coffee
Cannon Chinese
Craftwork Coffee – (neat idea for office space rental!).
*From Across the Pond
FW Market + Table
Kona Grill
Little Red Wasp
Pho Noodle & Grill
Pouring Glory
Press Cafe
Revolver Taco Lounge
Shinjuku Station
Velvet Taco

Blue Sushi: until 7, all day Sun
BJ’s: M-F 3-7
Blue Mesa: M-F 4-7:30
Bravo: M-F 3:30-6:30
Brewed: Tu-F 3-6
Cafe Modern: Fridays 4-7
Canon Chinese: M-F 5-6:30
Cat City Grill: M-F 4-7
Chuys: M-F 4-7 (free nacho/taco/queso)
Dutch’s: S-S 4-7,  25% off bar food
Eddie V’s: Sun-Sat 4pm+
Inzo: M-F 3-6
Kona Grille: M-Sa 3-7 & Sun 9-11
McAlister – $.99 kid meals
PF Changs: M-F 3-7
Press Cafe: ?
Righteous Foods: M-F 2-5
*Rio Mambo: M-F 3-7
Shaw’s: M-F, 3-7, T/Th 1/2 burgers
Shinjuku Station: M-F 3-6:30
Silver Fox: S-S 4-7
Social House: M-F 4-7
Tavern: M-F 3-6
Taverna: M-F 1-8
Winslows: M-TH 4-7, Sun 4-10
WorldofBeer: M-F 3-7, Su-Th 10+

Dutch- $2 kid meals
Hauffbrau – kids free
Inzo wine night
Free Birds – kids free
Rock bottom – kids free
Tavern – 25% off wine bottles
Velvet Taco -$10 backdoor chick

BJ’s – 1/2 off wine
CFA- night kids eat free
Dutch: 1/2 D Burger, $2 beer
Inzo- B1G1 1/2 off pizza
Rock bottom – kids free
Rosas – taco Tuesday 3 for $4.39
Tavern – 25% off wine bottles

Bravo $5 martinis
Los Vaqueros- kids eat free
Palios- BYOB, B1G1 free pizza
Pappasitos – 1/2 fajitas
Taverna – 1/2 price wine bottles

Bravo – $5 wine
FW market & table – $3 draft
*Rio Mambo – margarita discount

Brewed 9-2:30
Cafe Modern 10-3
Fixture 11-3
Gloria’s Cuisine 11-3
Hot Damn Tomales 9-3
Little Red Wasp 10-4
Los Vaqueros 10-2:30
Lucile’s 9-2
Max’s wine dive 10-3
Mimi’s 7-11
Righteous Foods
Shaws Patio 10:30-2, $5 ritas
Social House 11am
Tavern 9-3
Taverna 11-3
Winslows 10:30-2
Woodshed 8-11

SUNDAY Brunch:
Bearded Lady Brunch 11-2
Bird Cafe 10am
Blue Mesa 9-3
Blue Sushi- 12-10 wine $4
Brewed 9-2:30
Buttons 11-4
Cafe Modern 10-3
Campisis 1/2 price wine
Cane Rosso 11-3 $1 mimosa
Cast Iron 11-2
Cat City Grill 10:30-1:30
Del Frisco’s Grille 11-3
Eddie V’s HH all day
Esperanza’s 6:30-5
Fixture 11-3
Fred’s Texas Cafe 10-12
Gloria’s Cuisine 11-3
Inzo – kids free w/ 2 entrees
Kona Grill 50% all day
Little Red Wasp 10-4
Los Vaqueros 10-2:30
Lucile’s 9-2
Max’s wine dive 10-3
Mimi’s 7-11
Mi Cocina 3-7
PacificTable 9-3 $3 BM,oys,mim
Pegaso 10-2
Reata: 11-2:30
Shaws Patio 10:30-2,
Social House 11am
Spiral Diner 9-5
Tavern 9-3
Taverna 10-3
Winslows 10:30-2
Woodshed 8-11
World of Beer 11-3
Yucatan 10-10


Bahama Bucks- shaved ice
Baskin Robbin’s
Black Rooster Bakery
Bluebonnet Bakery
Brewed – s’mores in a jar
Came Rosso (s’mores calzone)
Carlo’s Bakery- (Cakeboss Dallas!)
Cheesecake Factory
Cold Stone Creamery
Cookies by Design
Curly’s – frozen custard
Cupcake Cottage
Dairy Queen (apple tart)
Del Frisco’s G-coconut creme pie
Del Frisco’s-Del’s Delight (drink)
Eddie V’s (Banana’s Foster)
Ellerbe (bread pudding)
Funky Town Donuts
Hurley House
Inzo’s Nutella Cheesecake
J Rae’s
La Madeleine
Leah’s Sweet Treats
Lili’s Donuts
Local Foods Kitchen: crunch cake
Marble Slab
Melt ice Creamery
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Paul’s Donuts on Hemphill
Pho District – Creme Brûlée
Pop N Cream-popcorn & Icecream
Reata-bread pudding & molten
Red Robbin – bottomless root beer
Rita’s Italian Ice
Shakolad Chocolate Factory
Steel City Pops
Stir Crazy Baked goods
Sugar Biscuit Cakery
Sweet Frog TCU
Sweet Sammies
Swiss Pastry Shop
Tavern (Key Lime Pie)
Yogurtland – frozen yogurt


3 Parrots
Blue Crab
Cantina Laredo
Central Market
Cheesecake Factory
Corner Bakery
Del Frisco’s
Five Guys
Flying Saucer
Jason’s Deli
Joe T Garcia’s
La Madeleine
Lili’s Bistro
Little Lilly Sushi
Mi Cocina
Olive Garden
Piranha Sushi
Pho Nam
Pie Five
Red Robin
Risky’s BBQ
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Simply Fondue
Spiral Diner
Steel City Pops
Texas de Brazil
Uncle Julio’s
Yucatan Taco Stand

*From Across the Pond – Large gluten free menu
* Rio Mambo – Gluten Free Dinner & Bar menu!

*Frogsaver App – Download the app to find great coupons on restaurants like: Abuelos, Bravo, Brewed, Cantina Laredo, Charlestons, Corner Bakery, Daddy Jacks, IHOP, Inzo, + many more!! In addition coupons for many other services!!

*Fort Worth Kid Friendly Restaurants:  I found this great list of Kid-Friendly restaurants from last year done by the Fort Worth Mom’s Blog. It may give you a few more ideas.

Help me add to this list!! If you have another restaurant others ought to try or another deal… I will keep this list as a work in progress!

Thanks for checking it out and a special shout-out to a group of Tanglewood mom’s for such great input!!

A steal @ Velvet Taco

I keep on going absent with my writing,  but I hope to be more intentional about blogging even if it’s short, sweet, and not deep at all. This post is about practicality. I have been gathering / creating a list of Fort Worth restaurants this week and finding out about their happy hours, weekday specials and brunches. Today I took advantage of a Monday special I hadn’t heard about before….

Backdoor chicken @ Velvet Taco. Sounds shady doesn’t it? It is a little bizarre I might add… The restaurant Velvet Taco on West 7th street has a main entrance and a side window. On Monday’s they have a killer steal…. Half price on their rotisserie chicken meal.

Normally it’s $20 for the bag, but in Monday’s you sneak over to the side window… Knock or ring the bell, and they will hand you a bag for $10.

What’s in the bag? Rotisserie chicken, corn (like a spicy cream corn), pico de gallo (very tasty), and a salsa (spicy too)! Oh, and 6 tortillas. Overall I loved it. My kids liked it minus all the spicy stuff.

Sorry the picture isn’t the best quality but this is what we got for $10 and I bought 2 bags so we’d have some leftovers.

Have you ever been there? This was my first experience. What else do you like to eat there?




Black Friday – What did I get? Good deals?

I’ve never been one to really hit the stores. (I believe last year we went out on black Friday to a few stores around 4pm and the stores were fairly empty). I prefer not to get trampled… AND other than Christmas gifts, I really don’t have any other necessities.

What have I bought so far? Not much…

  1. I was introduced to Beddy’s zippered bedding about a week ago and I FELL IN LOVE. I’ve been on the search for bedding for Lily who is about to move to a twin bed, so I got her the Chic White bedding set.  They have 20% off + Free shipping using the code BF2015. You can find them at Beddy’s.
  2. My amazing Mother-in-Law has always wanted to buy something special for each baby. So, with baby #4 I am wanting to incorporate Guatemala as much as possible.  I found other moms using this awesome large Day Bag ll purse from Nena & Co, which is 100% made in Guatemala. With the coupons GIVEBACK30 & GBFREESHIP you get 30% off, plus free shipping. On this particular bag that’s about a $95 saving!
  3. Jorge never tends to get anything on Black Friday, but this morning he went and picked up this from Home Depot… he needed a place for his tools at the airplane hangar. (Funny thing is… he called one of the guys he is working with on the way to the airport this morning and he had just bought the same tool storage for himself). HA!400704_188118

What do I INTEND to buy today, this weekend or Monday?

Christmas gifts! Jorge and I agreed to spend next to nothing on each other this year. He has been purchasing stuff for aviation and I have been eyeing baby stuff… we don’t feel the need to buy each other something expensive this year.

For the kids: Last year I somewhat did the 4 Christmas Gifts Challenge… and plan to do that again this year. What is it? ONLY 4 gifts for each child… Something they WANT, something they NEED, something to WEAR and something to READ. My kids have so many toys and financially a million presents just doesn’t make sense, when they get bored with all the toys they actually have. Here’s one of the websites that talks about the 4 gift challenge: Money Saving Sisters

RESEARCH – I don’t do the research for the hottest deals… I ain’t got time for that. However, apparently there are people with time and here is what THEY have found:

Mama Natural : 2015 Gift Ideas (With a Natural Spin).

Baby List Baby Registry: best Baby + Kids Black Friday Deals. This is HANDS DOWN the best Baby Registry site. I created mine a while back and it has actually functioned for me more like Pinterest… if I find something I like I just add it there. I don’t have any major baby NEEDS… so the majority are all just “wants”. Here’s my list: Baby Bosch #4 Registry

Pregnant Chicken: Black Friday 2015 – If you don’t already follow her, you should. She’s hilarious… but a word of caution. She does curse every now and then, so if you don’t like that, I don’t suggest following.

Alright… that’s it for now. I better get my Christmas Shopping DONE!! I’ll try to update with my x-mas presents.

Pregnancy: Are nausea, leg cramps, restless legs, & insomnia normal? (Or is your body trying to tell you something?)

This is my FOURTH pregnancy in the last 10 years! Yowzas! I seriously never would have thought I’d be pregnant 4 times in my life. I always talked about having 2 of my own children and then adopting 2, but God had other plans… of which I know His plans are always better than mine.  So… roll with the punches!

From the very beginning I KNEW this pregnancy was different. I can’t really explain it, but I could just feel it. I knew God wanted to teach me a MULTITUDE of things and to be honest, it was a little overwhelming thinking about that and I just wanted to turn my brain off. (Which I did for a little while).  This pregnancy has been a journey of trusting the Lord in knowing that He knows best… He has the best timing, He knows I can handle being a mom of 4 (which I seriously doubt often), He knows what is in my heart and He knows how to push me just enough to make me uncomfortable, but to make decisions that I know are right for me, my family and this little unborn baby girl. But also, He knows how I should best take care of my body… and I have found many natural things that HE has provided on this earth are the very things that have made this pregnancy so much better.


I could continue talking about my faith journey but I know that I’ll come back to it again sometime.  The topic for today is about Pregnancy Symptoms… are they just “a part” of being pregnant or could your body be telling you something else?

With my first 3 pregnancies I would say I had moderate nausea up until the normal 12 weeks or so, I also had what I believed to be SEVERE restless leg syndrome, a few too many leg cramps, very low blood pressure, and trouble sleeping.  I WISH I had known then what I know now… not all of these symptoms are “normal” and just a part of pregnancy. With this pregnancy #4 I began to do much more research on each subject and guess what… I had mild nausea (not moderate), I have only had ONE leg and foot cramp, and 2 very short times with restless legs. However,  I did battle SEVERE exhaustion and SEVERE insomnia but I found some simple solutions for those as well.

What changed? This time around I wanted to know WHY everything was happening to me and if there was something I could do about it. I began to dive myself into research-aholic land and thus spent who-know-how-many countless hours of reading, comparing, reading testimonies, studies, blogs, etc…   So… here’s what worked for me:

Morning Sickness/Nausea/Queasiness: Essentially there’s 2 main reasons I found for morning sickness.  One is due to a woman’s hormones going bonkers in the beginning of pregnancy. (Some of this is normal, but also, if our bodies are lacking nourishment or have an abundance of toxins, the hormones can be even MORE out of whack than they should be). The 2nd reason is that our bodies may be lacking vital nutrients… vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc… A few things I found to be SUPER important were Magnesium & minerals. I began taking this magnesium supplement in the morning, Magnesium Calm in the evenings, and Mineral Essence by Young Living. During the first few months I also took Young Living’s PD 80/20 which supports the endocrine system (aka “hormone” system”).

Leg Cramps & Restless Legs: What’s interesting is that a deficiency in Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium can lead to this… so, guess what happened when I started taking magnesium for morning sickness? Yup, my legs have been just fine. And what’s a little embarrassing to admit is why I think I have had restless legs a few times. Let’s just say sometimes I have a hard time controlling my urge for chocolate and ice cream. I can’t prove it… but I’m guessing the sugar rush had something to do with it.

Severe Exhaustion: For obvious reasons it’s reasonable to be tired and need extra rest during pregnancy… they say the energy it takes your body to create a baby is likened to the energy you would need to climb a mountain. How truthful that is I’m not sure… but sometimes it sure feels like I’ve climbed a mountain! Before I was pregnant, my nature-path doctor let me know that I was border-line anemic and had me start taking Iron. She told me once my Iron leveled out, my body should maintain it. Well, it leveled out, I stopped taking iron, and my levels plummeted again. So, I got back on iron. When I got pregnant for some reason I worried about taking too much iron (which I wasn’t), but I wanted to be careful, so I got off of it and guess what… severe exhaustion started setting in which is common with an iron deficiency. So, I began to take 1 capsule every 2-3 days, and I just had a pregnancy appt and guess what… she said my iron levels are amazing and actually better than most pregnancy women at this point! woo hoo!

Insomnia: Honestly I’m not going to say much here except this worked almost immediately for my 3 year old daughter AND myself… Tart Cherry Juice. Who would have known? Check out Mama Natural’s link! I also started using 1-2 drops of Young Living’s Cedarwood Essential Oil. I put 2 drops in my hand, spread it on my hairline and next and take in a couple of very deep breaths.

I have also had very low blood pressure with all my pregnancies, but it was THIS pregnancy that it affected me the most and I would feel faint or dizzy. My midwife suggested extra salty food… chinese food or things like pickles. But honestly… that didn’t sound good to me and chinese food has so many icky ingredients. But then I found THIS remedy from Wellness Mama for Sole made out of himalayan salt. I went from needing to check my blood pressure almost daily to once every 1-2 weeks. Crazy!

I’m taking a lot of things this pregnancy… this is likely the MOST important time in a baby’s life to make sure it is nourished completely… her BRAIN is being formed for crying out loud!  Here’s everything I’m taking this pregnancy… its a lot, but I believe it’s totally worth it:

  1. Salt Water Sole
  2. Omega w/ A&D
  3. Probiotic
  4. Magnesium Chelate and Magnesium Calm
  5. Garden of Life Organic Prenatal
  6. Rutin (for varicose veins and hemorrhoids)
  7. Tart Cherry juice morning & night
  8. Iron
  9. Biotin
  10. Young Living products: Ningxia Red, Mineral Essence, Super C, Super B, Comfortone. (PD 80/20 for the first 15 weeks).
  11. Chiropractor: Although it’s not a supplement… this has been a game changer for me too! First time having chiropractic work done during a pregnancy.

That’s all for now! I am seriously so thankful for this opportunity to be pregnant again and be able to see God’s goodness in all that HE has so graciously provided. It saddens me now to think that so often we go first to man-made remedies thinking that Man has the best answer to health problems. God KNEW and still KNOWS what our bodies need… His nourishment is top-notch and designed specifically for us. I think it’s time to get back to trusting the Lord FIRST with our health…

If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks for reading!


Life gets in the way sometimes… or should I say, throws curve-balls…

Oh goodness… where do I begin? I was sooooo excited and motivated when I started my blog, but here we are more than 6 months since the last post.  Why? Life! So much has happened in the last few months, that I have had so many, “I should blog about this” moments, then… the thought passes and I get sidetracked or think, “oh maybe next time.”   What’s been going on?  Way too much for one blog entry…  so, here’s a summary of the last 6 months and my goal is to come back frequently and write more in detail… I need to… it’ll be therapeutic and healing for my heart.

In April I wrote about my journey  with Essential oils which I am still passionate about, and then…

First week of May I decided to pursue my passion in sharing the oils to help others, and specifically the Healing Oils of the Bible and the history of anointing… but then…


Mid-May – I found out I was pregnant with #4 and for the first time in all my pregnancies, I really struggled with this news… it was NOT good timing in my book. My energy level plummeted… A good day was getting out of bed. Our finances were going the opposite direction than they should be and a dear friend was battling for his life.

baby 4

Mid June – One of our dearest 36 year old friends passed away from a brain tumor. I really don’t want to go here tonight… but my heart had been aching since March when the tumor reappeared and his last week or two of life was the hardest thing my heart has ever been through. Ever.


June/July/August –  Summer time I was still insanely tired from being pregnant. I had some really good days, but most of the time I felt super accomplished if I got out of bed, fed my children, made sure they were entertained, and got them back into bed. Essential oils? Oh, I used them a lot, but no energy to study or share them.

September/October – Life got crazier, but brighter… On September 1st, we had our first ultrasound and found out we would be welcoming another princess to the family. My heart instantly grew when I saw her and for the first time I could say I was truly excited to be adding to our family. Finances were still tight and yet Jorge decided to make a career change and pursue his life-long hearts desire – aviation.  Not exactly the “right” thing to do when you are needing an income, but the smile on Jorge’s face after his first flight… absolutely hands-down priceless. I will give 110% to make sure that the joy his heart feels and the smile on his face stays.  God’s got a plan with this… and I KNOW that it is good.

Jorge's new Piper Warrior!
Jorge’s new Piper Warrior!

November… here we are. We are overwhelmed by so many emotions and the whirlwind of life… yet, so excited and at peace about what the future has in store for us.  I have so much to share on this blog about things I have learned about pregnancy, motherhood, life in general, oils, parenting and marriage… all in the last 6 months.

I know SO many others are in a similar season as we are. So, my prayer for each and every one of you is that YOU would seek out your passion. It might seem silly to seek it out, but if God has planted that desire in your heart, wouldn’t it be silly NOT to pursue it?  I pray that God would reveal the deepest desires of your heart to you because so often we lose sight of them along the way.

Thanks for reading!


My journey of Faith with Essential Oils… from a Perfect Provider.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I say that from the get-go, because this is a really important post for me. Essential Oils have impacted my life in a VERY deep way (not only our health), but I haven’t felt led to share about them too much on my blog thus far. But I feel like the time is now and I will be sharing about them more.

I bought my first kit of Young Living Essential Oils in May 2013 and I want to tell you what led me to make this crazy life changing decision….

From a very early age, 6 months to be exact, Lucas began a scary journey which would eventually have a name… Chronic Croup. Any cold, flu, germ he caught went straight to inflammation in his larynx and it would quickly become much more than a cold. He struggled with Croup approximately every 6 weeks for years. It was awful. Once we moved to Texas, at one point Lucas was very medicated… Singulair, Zyrtec, Nasonex, and nebulizer 2-3 times a day. Eventually all of that stopped working for him and we wmoved to different medicines: (Flonase & Flovent) which cut the frequency of croup down quite a bit. But his 2 ER visits with steroid shots and serious breathing treatments were so so so scary. There’s nothing quite like watching your child struggle just to breath. We eventually had emergency steroids here in the house just in case it got bad enough… in 4 years of life, Lucas had a lot of steroids.

So, 2 years ago, Lucas began to cough the stereotypical “seal” croup cough. I couldn’t imagine giving him MORE steroids… he had had WAY too many in his 5 years of life.  I began to do research for natural solutions. I found a lot of information regarding essential oils and I researched… and researched some more and then researched some more. I knew my very trusted friend Sonja used them, so I asked her about them. She was confident I could find relief for Lucas.

I went to her house and bought a Premium Starter kit of oils which included 10 oils at the time and she gave me a sample of a blend called RC and told me what to try with him.  I can still remember thinking… “I’m nuts and I can’t even imagine what Jorge will think when I bring home $100 worth of essential oils.” But I did… I am so grateful I did.  I began to use them primarily on Lucas’s feet, but also diluted on his chest, neck, and back. To my astonishment… they were doing something. And to my sheer amazement I didn’t have to pull out the steroids, use any medicine, or even take him to the doctor. I was floored.

I was still very unsure of the oils. I began to pray about them and wanted to hear from the Lord if I should continue to use them or not. What he told me what the following… “You (you all) have forgotten about my perfect provision.”  That’s all I heard and I had to seriously chew on what that meant for weeks. I still think about it quite often. And He began to open my eyes to the tangibleness of the Bible. In Philippians 4:19 it says:

philippians_4_19I have always thought of that verse in a very “spiritual” way… but wait… He did create everything on the earth in order to meet our needs. He created the perfect food for us to eat and created the trees and everything we needed in order to have shelter. He DID create physical tangible things for YOU and ME. And what I find amazing, is that the same breath, the same voice that created You and Me… created all living things. We believe humans are miracles of creation… but even the grass outside is living and contains the breath of God.

Over the course of the next 6 months we saw the oils help out our family in so many ways… wart, cramps, pollen allergies, severe respirator infections cuts, bruises, headaches, stomach issues,  and more. I was (and still am) super incredibly grateful. Because we saw the oils work for so many ailments,  2 things happened… my faith in His provision being sufficient for me began to grow, I really believe in the power of what He has created for us. And that He knew perfectly well what we as humans NEEDED to survive, so He created it.

I also began to have the thought that the essential oils were all we needed in our home and that we were going to be able to use them to cure everything. We didn’t need anything else. I can’t tell you for sure how many times that thought went through my head… but probably a dozen. The very last time I had the thought… out of no-where I felt extremely convicted and as though time stopped for a split second. He, the creator, reminded me VERY clearly… “NO NO NO… I am the healer. These oils are a TOOL I have given you for healing, but I can heal you with the whisper of my voice, the laying of hands, through prayer, or however I wish”. WOW. I had began focusing on creation and NOT on the CREATOR. This began even another journey of truly trusting Him as the Healer and who I need to go to as the great Physician. He will guide me… to oils, to others, to the doctor, to medicine, or just to Him.

This journey of oils is about Him. What He has done for us and continues to do. It’s about remembering and BELIEVING Him for who he says He is. He says He is the healer, our provider, our everything… but yet, so often we look elsewhere instead of to Him.

Story to be continued…

I have a lot on my heart to share about health in the future, but I truly believe that the Lord is taking us back to the basics. He wants us to remember what He has created for us. His provision is perfect, yet man is trying to improve upon it? How does that work? I believe He has equipped us to be creative, but not to replace what He has already given us.

What would it look like if we truly believed in Him as our Healer?  If we were to listen to Him for guidance on what to eat, what to use as medicine (as they did for thousands of years), or how to live our daily lives.  If we got out and enjoyed nature… but sadly, we often eat our own food creations void of nutrition and full of chemicals. We stare at our phones (guilty as charged) or our tv’s instead of truly enjoying life and His creation outside.

Do you have an experience with Lord as your provider? Healer? Have essential oils impacted your life?



Awakening the desires, passions, dreams of our heart…

The Lord is calling us.. crying out for us to get to know Him more.

The Bible says He has supplied for all of our needs, but do we really, truly believe it?

The Word says, He is our great Physician… do we call upon Him, the master of the universe? Not just for prayers begging to be healed, but do we seek Him? Wait on Him? for Him to give us answers?

Do we trust Him? 100%?  We know He loves us, but He wants a relationship. But what do we need first? To learn to hear His voice.
Have you ever heard His voice?
Do you know how to hear His voice?

Sometimes His voice is as clear as day… an audible voice. But, that’s a rarity today. I have only met one person who says they hear the Lord audibly. Have you ever felt as though you were talking to yourself? Giving yourself ideas… yet, almost thought you were a little crazy? What is that were Him?

He TALKS to us. The Bible says He does. If you don’t think you are worth being talked to… check out all the people in the Bible He spoke to, and it’s almost guaranteed they were a “worse” human being for all practical purposes. He loves us no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT!

We need to be quiet. Sit, write what comes to our mind. Our Father in heaven is kind. He is convicting, but Kind, so kind. He wants to know you. You are His child. He formed YOU in your mother’s womb. No one else can do that. It’s His miracle of life. You are no mistake. You have a purpose in this life… the dreams and passions in your heart. (Do you know who put those there? He did. As silly as they may seem… it’s worth it to take a deeper look at them.)

I pray now that your heart be awakened to the passions and desires that have long been dormant inside of you. The Lord says now is the time for you to thrive. He desires great abundance for you. I speak again to your heart… awaken. AWAKEN! Desires… dreams… passions… awaken.  He has created you for a time such as this. He has NOT created you to be a slave to this world. A slave to your job or anyone else. He has created you FREE. Free to be YOU… just the way He made you. He created YOU in HIS image… that’s an amazing image.


Listen to this twice. The first time you can read the lyrics, but the second time, close your eyes and just listen and breath it in. Listen again if you need to.

Today is the day to take care of yourself… listen to your heart, believe in who He created you to be. The expectations of this world are fleeting… rather place your eyes upon Him… upon His throne.He will guide you.

Just ask. Simply ask.

Be quiet. and Listen. All He wants us to do is listen. His words are kind and full of love. Not of condemnation and  ‘”what ifs”… but of life and purpose and living our lives focused on Him and who He created us to be.

That… is freedom. Pure simple freedom. It’s not easy… the world’s standards say otherwise.  It starts with ONE step in front of the other. ONE small decision leads to another. Sometimes ONE decision is harder than the next. But HE… He always follows through and loves on His children. He always accompanies us and carries us when we believe we can no longer continue.

I challenge you this week… take 10 minutes to journal any thoughts that comes through your head. Most of this post was written with my head down on my desk and my eyes closed. Whatever thought came to my mind… I typed it. Is this the most amazing blog ever? maybe not. Is it super creative… I’m not sure. But it doesn’t matter. I want to be obedient, even when it doesn’t look “right” or “perfect”. It has taken me a while to get here… but I’m happy (most of the time) with being “here”… “present”… “not performing”.

My heart’s cry is for you to know Him. The creator. Not the stereotypical… “Jesus loves me because the Bible tells me so”, but a knowing, deep in your soul, that the creator of the Universe, creator of mankind, creator of all things good, loves you completely. 100%. Learn to rest in that love. Believe it. Hold on tight to it. Once you grasp it… you’ll be able to give it away.  Pure & Simple Love.


Love is what makes the world go round right? It might actually be true.

Thank you for taking the time to read my late night ramblings.

Love, Sarah


Babies in Heaven… and the Love of a Father. Part 5.

Supernatural Experience #4:

If you haven’t read my previous blogs please do so… this is a continuation of our miscarriage story…

In my blog “Part 3” I shared about our miscarriage. I shared the following experience on my Facebook page last October 15th, 2014 on “Remember your Babies Day”. The amount of support and encouragement I received that day is a big part of the reason why Wine & Myrrh exists. My story had touched others and I felt the Lord prompting me to continue to share more of my story and revealing more of Him along the way.

jeremiah 1-5

There’s more to the miscarriage story: Before I got pregnant I had been praying quite a bit about getting pregnant again and I felt the Lord asking me to be more specific and share with Him my heart’s desire… So, I told him that my hearts desire was for a beautiful little girl with brown hair and blue eyes. I imagined a small little girl with long wavy hair and blue eyes like my mom. (The brown hair wouldn’t be a stretch, but the blue eyes were a long shot with such a strong gene for dark brown eyes). We NEVER shared the pregnancy or miscarriage with our boys….

Fast-forward a few months… Gabriel told us he had gone to Heaven again. He told us a few details and then he nonchalantly says this… “Oh, and I met my sister while I was there.”  I still remember my heart skipping a few beats. “What Gabriel?!?! What do you mean??” I asked. “Yes, I met my sister, she went straight from mommy’s tummy to heaven”. I had to take a few deep breaths and brace myself a little. How in the world did he know that? I asked him what she looked like… he responded. “Oh, she was really pretty with brown curly hair and BLUE eyes”.  I only remember sitting there shocked and in awe. “How did you know she was your sister?” I asked. His response didn’t give me the detailed answer I was looking for. He somewhat shrugged and just said, “I just knew it was her.” God is so good. Our baby girl is up there with my grandparents and others waiting for the rest of us to join her.  I have such a deep longing to see her beautiful face… I have another Liliana Sophia here on earth and she will be 3 years old this year.  When I imagine her with blue eyes… I believe I am able to have a glimpse of our Liliana Sophia who is waiting for us up in heaven.

So many of us have loved ones that we hope have gone to heaven before us. Although it ought to be a time of celebration that they are experiencing the King of Kings, it doesn’t take away the pain of not having them physically in our lives anymore.  If I can reassure you of one this it is this. God is Good. SO SO good. If you have had a miscarriage or lost a child, without a shadow of a doubt I can tell you where they are. Why? Because God is good. Heaven exists and where else would an all-loving Father place His children except near to Him.


Super Natural Experience #5 – The Faith of a Child

Around the same time we were hanging out as a family and Gabriel says, “oh, I forgot to tell you something about heaven.”  From everything else he had told us, of course we were “all ears”.  He said that he had seen the throne room and had seen God’s and Jesus’s throne up close. He started out by telling us that both thrones where covered with the word LOVE in all different languages and that one of the thrones was made out of gold and the other out of silver.  I asked him, “what else did you notice about the thrones?” He said, the Gold one has a star at the top and the silver one has a big heart.” Without a doubt, there was at least one question remaining… “That’s awesome Gabriel, who was sitting in each throne?” Gabriel said, “Jesus is in the gold chair and God is in the silver chair.”   I had him. I knew I had caught him fibbing… I just knew it.  Mind you, Gabriel was only 5, what did he know about the value of gold or silver? . “Gabriel, are you sure God was in the silver chair and Jesus in the gold chair?” “YUP!” “Hmmm, are you sure?” “YUP!” “I would have thought God would be in the Gold chair and Jesus in the silver.” “Oh mom…. God loved Jesus so much that he gave him the Gold chair.” I rest my case. No rebuttal. Gabriel clearly knew better than I did. Now THAT is the faith of a child. Simple. Out of the box. The  unconditional LOVE of our heavenly Father towards His own Son.

When I saw this picture it made it gives me a vision of what it might have looked like when Gabriel saw the Father and Son.

I pray that my experiences encourage you to seek God and then seek Him some more. Cry out for Him to show you all of Him… to get to know Him more. He is good and has SOOO much more in store for YOU. For all of us. Everyone has a different story, but God gets to use our whole story for His glory. All of it. It is NEVER too late.

Do you have a ‘lil one in Heaven? I would love to hear your story.