Awakening the desires, passions, dreams of our heart…

The Lord is calling us.. crying out for us to get to know Him more.

The Bible says He has supplied for all of our needs, but do we really, truly believe it?

The Word says, He is our great Physician… do we call upon Him, the master of the universe? Not just for prayers begging to be healed, but do we seek Him? Wait on Him? for Him to give us answers?

Do we trust Him? 100%?  We know He loves us, but He wants a relationship. But what do we need first? To learn to hear His voice.
Have you ever heard His voice?
Do you know how to hear His voice?

Sometimes His voice is as clear as day… an audible voice. But, that’s a rarity today. I have only met one person who says they hear the Lord audibly. Have you ever felt as though you were talking to yourself? Giving yourself ideas… yet, almost thought you were a little crazy? What is that were Him?

He TALKS to us. The Bible says He does. If you don’t think you are worth being talked to… check out all the people in the Bible He spoke to, and it’s almost guaranteed they were a “worse” human being for all practical purposes. He loves us no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT!

We need to be quiet. Sit, write what comes to our mind. Our Father in heaven is kind. He is convicting, but Kind, so kind. He wants to know you. You are His child. He formed YOU in your mother’s womb. No one else can do that. It’s His miracle of life. You are no mistake. You have a purpose in this life… the dreams and passions in your heart. (Do you know who put those there? He did. As silly as they may seem… it’s worth it to take a deeper look at them.)

I pray now that your heart be awakened to the passions and desires that have long been dormant inside of you. The Lord says now is the time for you to thrive. He desires great abundance for you. I speak again to your heart… awaken. AWAKEN! Desires… dreams… passions… awaken.  He has created you for a time such as this. He has NOT created you to be a slave to this world. A slave to your job or anyone else. He has created you FREE. Free to be YOU… just the way He made you. He created YOU in HIS image… that’s an amazing image.


Listen to this twice. The first time you can read the lyrics, but the second time, close your eyes and just listen and breath it in. Listen again if you need to.

Today is the day to take care of yourself… listen to your heart, believe in who He created you to be. The expectations of this world are fleeting… rather place your eyes upon Him… upon His throne.He will guide you.

Just ask. Simply ask.

Be quiet. and Listen. All He wants us to do is listen. His words are kind and full of love. Not of condemnation and  ‘”what ifs”… but of life and purpose and living our lives focused on Him and who He created us to be.

That… is freedom. Pure simple freedom. It’s not easy… the world’s standards say otherwise.  It starts with ONE step in front of the other. ONE small decision leads to another. Sometimes ONE decision is harder than the next. But HE… He always follows through and loves on His children. He always accompanies us and carries us when we believe we can no longer continue.

I challenge you this week… take 10 minutes to journal any thoughts that comes through your head. Most of this post was written with my head down on my desk and my eyes closed. Whatever thought came to my mind… I typed it. Is this the most amazing blog ever? maybe not. Is it super creative… I’m not sure. But it doesn’t matter. I want to be obedient, even when it doesn’t look “right” or “perfect”. It has taken me a while to get here… but I’m happy (most of the time) with being “here”… “present”… “not performing”.

My heart’s cry is for you to know Him. The creator. Not the stereotypical… “Jesus loves me because the Bible tells me so”, but a knowing, deep in your soul, that the creator of the Universe, creator of mankind, creator of all things good, loves you completely. 100%. Learn to rest in that love. Believe it. Hold on tight to it. Once you grasp it… you’ll be able to give it away.  Pure & Simple Love.


Love is what makes the world go round right? It might actually be true.

Thank you for taking the time to read my late night ramblings.

Love, Sarah


Babies in Heaven… and the Love of a Father. Part 5.

Supernatural Experience #4:

If you haven’t read my previous blogs please do so… this is a continuation of our miscarriage story…

In my blog “Part 3” I shared about our miscarriage. I shared the following experience on my Facebook page last October 15th, 2014 on “Remember your Babies Day”. The amount of support and encouragement I received that day is a big part of the reason why Wine & Myrrh exists. My story had touched others and I felt the Lord prompting me to continue to share more of my story and revealing more of Him along the way.

jeremiah 1-5

There’s more to the miscarriage story: Before I got pregnant I had been praying quite a bit about getting pregnant again and I felt the Lord asking me to be more specific and share with Him my heart’s desire… So, I told him that my hearts desire was for a beautiful little girl with brown hair and blue eyes. I imagined a small little girl with long wavy hair and blue eyes like my mom. (The brown hair wouldn’t be a stretch, but the blue eyes were a long shot with such a strong gene for dark brown eyes). We NEVER shared the pregnancy or miscarriage with our boys….

Fast-forward a few months… Gabriel told us he had gone to Heaven again. He told us a few details and then he nonchalantly says this… “Oh, and I met my sister while I was there.”  I still remember my heart skipping a few beats. “What Gabriel?!?! What do you mean??” I asked. “Yes, I met my sister, she went straight from mommy’s tummy to heaven”. I had to take a few deep breaths and brace myself a little. How in the world did he know that? I asked him what she looked like… he responded. “Oh, she was really pretty with brown curly hair and BLUE eyes”.  I only remember sitting there shocked and in awe. “How did you know she was your sister?” I asked. His response didn’t give me the detailed answer I was looking for. He somewhat shrugged and just said, “I just knew it was her.” God is so good. Our baby girl is up there with my grandparents and others waiting for the rest of us to join her.  I have such a deep longing to see her beautiful face… I have another Liliana Sophia here on earth and she will be 3 years old this year.  When I imagine her with blue eyes… I believe I am able to have a glimpse of our Liliana Sophia who is waiting for us up in heaven.

So many of us have loved ones that we hope have gone to heaven before us. Although it ought to be a time of celebration that they are experiencing the King of Kings, it doesn’t take away the pain of not having them physically in our lives anymore.  If I can reassure you of one this it is this. God is Good. SO SO good. If you have had a miscarriage or lost a child, without a shadow of a doubt I can tell you where they are. Why? Because God is good. Heaven exists and where else would an all-loving Father place His children except near to Him.


Super Natural Experience #5 – The Faith of a Child

Around the same time we were hanging out as a family and Gabriel says, “oh, I forgot to tell you something about heaven.”  From everything else he had told us, of course we were “all ears”.  He said that he had seen the throne room and had seen God’s and Jesus’s throne up close. He started out by telling us that both thrones where covered with the word LOVE in all different languages and that one of the thrones was made out of gold and the other out of silver.  I asked him, “what else did you notice about the thrones?” He said, the Gold one has a star at the top and the silver one has a big heart.” Without a doubt, there was at least one question remaining… “That’s awesome Gabriel, who was sitting in each throne?” Gabriel said, “Jesus is in the gold chair and God is in the silver chair.”   I had him. I knew I had caught him fibbing… I just knew it.  Mind you, Gabriel was only 5, what did he know about the value of gold or silver? . “Gabriel, are you sure God was in the silver chair and Jesus in the gold chair?” “YUP!” “Hmmm, are you sure?” “YUP!” “I would have thought God would be in the Gold chair and Jesus in the silver.” “Oh mom…. God loved Jesus so much that he gave him the Gold chair.” I rest my case. No rebuttal. Gabriel clearly knew better than I did. Now THAT is the faith of a child. Simple. Out of the box. The  unconditional LOVE of our heavenly Father towards His own Son.

When I saw this picture it made it gives me a vision of what it might have looked like when Gabriel saw the Father and Son.

I pray that my experiences encourage you to seek God and then seek Him some more. Cry out for Him to show you all of Him… to get to know Him more. He is good and has SOOO much more in store for YOU. For all of us. Everyone has a different story, but God gets to use our whole story for His glory. All of it. It is NEVER too late.

Do you have a ‘lil one in Heaven? I would love to hear your story.