Black Friday – What did I get? Good deals?

I’ve never been one to really hit the stores. (I believe last year we went out on black Friday to a few stores around 4pm and the stores were fairly empty). I prefer not to get trampled… AND other than Christmas gifts, I really don’t have any other necessities.

What have I bought so far? Not much…

  1. I was introduced to Beddy’s zippered bedding about a week ago and I FELL IN LOVE. I’ve been on the search for bedding for Lily who is about to move to a twin bed, so I got her the Chic White bedding set.  They have 20% off + Free shipping using the code BF2015. You can find them at Beddy’s.
  2. My amazing Mother-in-Law has always wanted to buy something special for each baby. So, with baby #4 I am wanting to incorporate Guatemala as much as possible.  I found other moms using this awesome large Day Bag ll purse from Nena & Co, which is 100% made in Guatemala. With the coupons GIVEBACK30 & GBFREESHIP you get 30% off, plus free shipping. On this particular bag that’s about a $95 saving!
  3. Jorge never tends to get anything on Black Friday, but this morning he went and picked up this from Home Depot… he needed a place for his tools at the airplane hangar. (Funny thing is… he called one of the guys he is working with on the way to the airport this morning and he had just bought the same tool storage for himself). HA!400704_188118

What do I INTEND to buy today, this weekend or Monday?

Christmas gifts! Jorge and I agreed to spend next to nothing on each other this year. He has been purchasing stuff for aviation and I have been eyeing baby stuff… we don’t feel the need to buy each other something expensive this year.

For the kids: Last year I somewhat did the 4 Christmas Gifts Challenge… and plan to do that again this year. What is it? ONLY 4 gifts for each child… Something they WANT, something they NEED, something to WEAR and something to READ. My kids have so many toys and financially a million presents just doesn’t make sense, when they get bored with all the toys they actually have. Here’s one of the websites that talks about the 4 gift challenge: Money Saving Sisters

RESEARCH – I don’t do the research for the hottest deals… I ain’t got time for that. However, apparently there are people with time and here is what THEY have found:

Mama Natural : 2015 Gift Ideas (With a Natural Spin).

Baby List Baby Registry: best Baby + Kids Black Friday Deals. This is HANDS DOWN the best Baby Registry site. I created mine a while back and it has actually functioned for me more like Pinterest… if I find something I like I just add it there. I don’t have any major baby NEEDS… so the majority are all just “wants”. Here’s my list: Baby Bosch #4 Registry

Pregnant Chicken: Black Friday 2015 – If you don’t already follow her, you should. She’s hilarious… but a word of caution. She does curse every now and then, so if you don’t like that, I don’t suggest following.

Alright… that’s it for now. I better get my Christmas Shopping DONE!! I’ll try to update with my x-mas presents.

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