My journey of Faith with Essential Oils… from a Perfect Provider.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I say that from the get-go, because this is a really important post for me. Essential Oils have impacted my life in a VERY deep way (not only our health), but I haven’t felt led to share about them too much on my blog thus far. But I feel like the time is now and I will be sharing about them more.

I bought my first kit of Young Living Essential Oils in May 2013 and I want to tell you what led me to make this crazy life changing decision….

From a very early age, 6 months to be exact, Lucas began a scary journey which would eventually have a name… Chronic Croup. Any cold, flu, germ he caught went straight to inflammation in his larynx and it would quickly become much more than a cold. He struggled with Croup approximately every 6 weeks for years. It was awful. Once we moved to Texas, at one point Lucas was very medicated… Singulair, Zyrtec, Nasonex, and nebulizer 2-3 times a day. Eventually all of that stopped working for him and we wmoved to different medicines: (Flonase & Flovent) which cut the frequency of croup down quite a bit. But his 2 ER visits with steroid shots and serious breathing treatments were so so so scary. There’s nothing quite like watching your child struggle just to breath. We eventually had emergency steroids here in the house just in case it got bad enough… in 4 years of life, Lucas had a lot of steroids.

So, 2 years ago, Lucas began to cough the stereotypical “seal” croup cough. I couldn’t imagine giving him MORE steroids… he had had WAY too many in his 5 years of life.  I began to do research for natural solutions. I found a lot of information regarding essential oils and I researched… and researched some more and then researched some more. I knew my very trusted friend Sonja used them, so I asked her about them. She was confident I could find relief for Lucas.

I went to her house and bought a Premium Starter kit of oils which included 10 oils at the time and she gave me a sample of a blend called RC and told me what to try with him.  I can still remember thinking… “I’m nuts and I can’t even imagine what Jorge will think when I bring home $100 worth of essential oils.” But I did… I am so grateful I did.  I began to use them primarily on Lucas’s feet, but also diluted on his chest, neck, and back. To my astonishment… they were doing something. And to my sheer amazement I didn’t have to pull out the steroids, use any medicine, or even take him to the doctor. I was floored.

I was still very unsure of the oils. I began to pray about them and wanted to hear from the Lord if I should continue to use them or not. What he told me what the following… “You (you all) have forgotten about my perfect provision.”  That’s all I heard and I had to seriously chew on what that meant for weeks. I still think about it quite often. And He began to open my eyes to the tangibleness of the Bible. In Philippians 4:19 it says:

philippians_4_19I have always thought of that verse in a very “spiritual” way… but wait… He did create everything on the earth in order to meet our needs. He created the perfect food for us to eat and created the trees and everything we needed in order to have shelter. He DID create physical tangible things for YOU and ME. And what I find amazing, is that the same breath, the same voice that created You and Me… created all living things. We believe humans are miracles of creation… but even the grass outside is living and contains the breath of God.

Over the course of the next 6 months we saw the oils help out our family in so many ways… wart, cramps, pollen allergies, severe respirator infections cuts, bruises, headaches, stomach issues,  and more. I was (and still am) super incredibly grateful. Because we saw the oils work for so many ailments,  2 things happened… my faith in His provision being sufficient for me began to grow, I really believe in the power of what He has created for us. And that He knew perfectly well what we as humans NEEDED to survive, so He created it.

I also began to have the thought that the essential oils were all we needed in our home and that we were going to be able to use them to cure everything. We didn’t need anything else. I can’t tell you for sure how many times that thought went through my head… but probably a dozen. The very last time I had the thought… out of no-where I felt extremely convicted and as though time stopped for a split second. He, the creator, reminded me VERY clearly… “NO NO NO… I am the healer. These oils are a TOOL I have given you for healing, but I can heal you with the whisper of my voice, the laying of hands, through prayer, or however I wish”. WOW. I had began focusing on creation and NOT on the CREATOR. This began even another journey of truly trusting Him as the Healer and who I need to go to as the great Physician. He will guide me… to oils, to others, to the doctor, to medicine, or just to Him.

This journey of oils is about Him. What He has done for us and continues to do. It’s about remembering and BELIEVING Him for who he says He is. He says He is the healer, our provider, our everything… but yet, so often we look elsewhere instead of to Him.

Story to be continued…

I have a lot on my heart to share about health in the future, but I truly believe that the Lord is taking us back to the basics. He wants us to remember what He has created for us. His provision is perfect, yet man is trying to improve upon it? How does that work? I believe He has equipped us to be creative, but not to replace what He has already given us.

What would it look like if we truly believed in Him as our Healer?  If we were to listen to Him for guidance on what to eat, what to use as medicine (as they did for thousands of years), or how to live our daily lives.  If we got out and enjoyed nature… but sadly, we often eat our own food creations void of nutrition and full of chemicals. We stare at our phones (guilty as charged) or our tv’s instead of truly enjoying life and His creation outside.

Do you have an experience with Lord as your provider? Healer? Have essential oils impacted your life?
